Nobel Energy

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Executive management

Vugar Samadli

CEO and Member of the Board of Directors

Vugar Samadli是皇冠体育app公司的首席执行官和董事会成员,拥有超过16年的国际经验, knowledge and expertise in the oil and gas industry.

Prior to his current role, Mr. Samadli was Chief Operating Officer of Nobel Energy. 他被任命为皇冠体育app公司的首席执行官,因为他对皇冠体育app集团的有效管理做出了宝贵的贡献, and support in achieving the Group’s strategic goals.

Mr. Samadli在过去七年中担任过多个高级管理职位. In 2013, he assumed the role of General Director of Oil & Gas ProServ, a joint venture between SOCAR, Siemens and Target Petroleum. Before joining Nobel Energy in 2015, He was General Director of Global Energy Solutions, an affiliate of Nobel Energy.

Mr. Samadli于2003年在英国石油公司开始了他的皇冠体育365app,在那里他通过越来越具有挑战性的角色和项目迅速晋升. 在BP任职之后,他在DET-AL Holding和Azelektroterm担任行政职务. In 2009-2013, Mr. Samadli曾在John Crane担任阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚和中亚地区经理.

Mr. Samadli拥有中东技术大学(Middle East Technical University)机械工程学士学位, 获得美国佛罗里达大学机械工程硕士学位. 他持有乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)的项目管理文凭,并在SMITH Group攻读emba.

Currently, Mr. Samadli正在进行一项科学研究,并努力为他在阿塞拜疆国家科学院的化学机械工程博士论文辩护.

In 2019, Vugar Samadli被阿塞拜疆共和国总统授予“塔拉吉奖章”,以表彰他在国家石油工业发展中的贡献.


Eldar Mamedzadeh

Chief Commercial Officer

Eldar Mamedzadeh joined Nobel Energy as the Chief Commercial Officer in 2015. Mr. Mamed-zadeh为皇冠体育app公司带来了他在采购和供应活动方面的深厚知识和丰富经验. 他的皇冠体育365app始于生态和自然资源部, Project Implementation Unit (World Bank), as a Procurement Manager.

他继续在BP Exploration担任高级PSCM专家,并被分配到间接采购类别经理的职位. 他还曾在中东地区(阿曼/阿联酋/约旦)担任运营采购经理。. In AGT region Mr. Mamedzadeh曾担任运营采购经理和GWO类别交付经理.

在加入Nobel Energy之前,他曾担任Bahar Energy Operation Company的采购材料物流经理.

In his current role he is responsible for Commercial, 皇冠体育app集团公司的业务发展和PSCM活动.

他参与的关键领域是为增长制定发展战略并付诸实施. Mamed-zadeh在阿塞拜疆经济大学获得工商管理硕士学位,在英国坎布里亚大学和瑞士罗伯特肯尼迪学院获得领导力和可持续发展工商管理硕士学位,并在特许采购和供应İnstitute继续他的供应链管理教育.


Samir Mollayev

Chief Drilling Officer

Mr. Samir Mollayev has more than 15 years of international oil & gas experience, demonstrating engineering leadership, 技术支持和管理复杂条件下的多学科团队运作.

Mr. Mollayev started his oilfield career with J. Ray McDermott working at Azeri-Chirag- Guneshli platforms construction yard. 之后,他继续在斯伦贝谢担任试井工程师,并在英国和丹麦担任高级现场工程师.

Later Mr. Mollayev spent over a decade working with BP, 在那里,他成功晋升为油井干预和完整性工程团队的高级领导. Under his leadership the team piloted several new technologies, such as customized stimulation vessel, sand shut off (expandable patch, ceramic screens and sand consolidation) technologies etc. and succeed to add up more than 40 mbd of oil into pipeline.

Mr. Mollayev加入皇冠体育app集团担任首席钻井官,并带来了强烈的职业道德, 专注并充满激情,同时提供高质量的项目支持和监督,以及扎实的kpi管理知识, budgets and performance contracts. Most recently, he was appointed General Director at SOCAR AQS, joint venture between Nobel Energy and SOCAR.

Mr. Mollayev持有阿塞拜疆国家石油和工业大学航空航天工程硕士学位. During 2006-2007, he continued studies in France Paris, Schlumberger Learning Centre in the field of Well Completion & Productivity. In 2010 he successfully accomplished the Development Program in Alaska, USA, where he demonstrated leadership and experience with planning & executing coil tubing drilling as a Well Site Leader. Mr. Mollayev has presented a number of researches and articles, covering optimization of engineering technologies, 在各种国际会议上提供油田作业和环境控制的创新解决方案, such as SPE and ISEECE.


Rauf Aghayev

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. raauf Aghayev是一位经验丰富的金融专业人士,对该领域和国际金融产品有着深刻的了解, markets and financial tools. 他目前是皇冠体育app集团公司的首席财务官,在那里他管理控股企业的财务运营, covering the range of the various industries and geographies.

Before his appointment to the CFO position, in 2018, Mr. Aghayev曾在包括皇冠体育app集团在内的银行和金融行业担任过各种高级职位.
Mr. Aghayev started his career in 2009, 在银行部门,他担任了许多具有挑战性的角色,负责财务分析和有效的财务建模. In 2013, he joined Nobel Energy as a project analyst. During this tenure, Mr. Aghayev负责财务规划领域的业务支持, managing, and monitoring for the major local and regional projects, 参与设计和概念,并在整个实施过程中进行控制.

Mr. Aghayev持有阿塞拜疆国立经济大学金融学学士学位. In 2020, 他成功地完成了伦敦商学院和哥伦比亚大学的高管教育,并获得了这两所大学的工商管理硕士学位.


Ramal Guliyev

Chief Operating Officer

Ramal Guliyev is the Chief Operating Officer at Nobel Enegy Group. 他在石油公司拥有近20年的多元化国际管理经验和强大的技术基础 & Gas and Water Treatment industries. His career includes significant roles at renowned organizations such as bp, Azersu, State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR), Azertexnolayn LLC, and HIS Construction LLC.

Ramal Guliyev’s expertise encompasses corporate and project management, operations and maintenance, equipment design, manufacturing, and construction. Mr. Guliyev joined Nobel Energy in 2022 as the Director for Operations, leveraging his experience in various sectors of the Oil & 天然气工业,包括上游、中游、下游、制造业和建筑业.

In his current position, Mr. Guliyev leads Nobel Group's operational activities, and he is responsible for corporate planning and reporting, investment projects, and driving performance excellence.

Mr. 古利耶夫拥有耶尔德兹工业大学造船学士学位, 获得乔治华盛顿大学项目管理文凭, USA.


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